The Monster Pack Trading Card Game


This gametype is for 2 players, takes 15-30 minutes to play, and requires 20-30 cards per player.

Created by Lilian "Purple Sea" Champroy


• 20 card deck or 30 card deck for each player.
• 8 Dice
• Paper & pencil / a phone
• A playmat of some kind, even a simple hand-drawn one, would be helpful.


Defeat the opposing player! A player is defeated when their HP is depleted or they can no longer draw any cards.

Setup & Start of Game

First, decide if you want to play a short game or a standard game. A short game uses a deck size of 20 cards and each player starts with 20 hp. A standard game uses a deck size of 30 cards and each player starts with 30 hp. Next, decide who will go first and have each player draw 6 cards. The game will start with 0 monsters on the playing field.

Turn Order

1. DRAW - Draw until you have 6 cards in your hand.
2. COUNTDOWN - Subtract 1 from the dice of each monster in your waiting area. If a monster reaches 0 it will move up into an adjacent spot in your active area.
3. SUMMON - Place a new monster in your waiting area and place a die on it.
4. BOOST (PART 1) - You can boost a monster.
5. DUEL - All monsters on opposing sides of the active areas will face off.
6. BOOST (PART 2) - You can boost a monster if you haven't already.

Placing a Monster - The starting player will place a monster card from their hand into one of the spots in the waiting area. Place a die onto the middle of the monster card and set it to the same number as the monster's Star Value (in the bottom left of the card). This value indicates how many turns must pass until the monster can enter the active area. At the beginning of your next turn reduce each dice count on your waiting monsters by 1. When a die reaches 0, place the monster in an adjacent available spot in the active area. (If there are no available spots, the monster must stay in the waiting area until a spot is open). If you can't place a monster on your waiting area, then skip this step.

Boosting - One time during your turn, before or after your attack, you can boost a monster card in your waiting area by discarding a card with the same color (or White Wild) of the monster you want to boost. Doing this will reduce the dice count by 1. Any given monster can only be boosted a single time. You may indicate when a monster has already been boosted by moving its die into the top left corner of the card.
Note: the starting player cannot boost a monster during the first turn of the game.

Dueling - After you place a monster on your active area, the monsters in your active area face off against the monsters in your opponent's active area!
• If there you and your opponent have monsters that are directly facing each other, they duel. The monster with the higher Power Level wins the duel, and the losing monster is discarded. If the
Power Levels are the same, both monsters are discarded.
• If you have an active monster that is facing an empty spot in your opponent's active area, you attack your opponent directly and deal damage to their HP. The damage you deal is equal to your attacking monster's Star Value.
• After all of your active monsters have attacked, your Dueling Phase ends. You may choose to boost one of your monsters if you didn't do that earlier in your turn.

TYPE ADVANTAGE - During a duel, a monster card can have a +200 Power Level bonus if it's Type beats the opponent's Type.
• Blue Evade beats Red Strike.
• Red Strike beats Green Spell.
• Green Spell beats Blue Evade.
White Wild acts as a self-destruct. Any time a monster with White Wild type enters a duel, both monsters are discarded.

Game Over!

The game ends when a player's HP is depleted or they can no longer draw any cards.

Helpful Terms
Type: A monster can have one of four types: Blue Evade, Red Strike, Green Spell, and White Wild.
Power Level: A monster's Power Level is the number located within the colored box toward the lower left corner of the card. Monsters can have Power Levels between 0 and 1000.
Star Value: A monster's Star Value is located all the way down in the bottom left corner of the card, and is a number between 1 and 4. The more powerful or rare the card, the higher this value will be.